Prospect Lithium refurbishes Goromonzi dam

- Local - March 7, 2024
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PROSPECT Lithium Zimbabwe (PLZ) has refurbished the Chinyika 3 Dam spillway in Goromonzi district, Mashonaland East province to address water shortages in the area.

The raised spillway is expected to harvest an additional 1 500 megalitres of water to ensure adequate water supplies for local communities, farmers and PLZ operations.

“Prospect Lithium Zimbabwe acknowledges the nationwide drought crisis currently being faced throughout the country. The low water levels in dams are not unique to Goromonzi alone where PLZ is located,” said general manager Henry Zhu.

He said PLZ had long-term plans to construct an additional dam downstream of Chinyika 3 Dam.

The new dam is expected to have a water capacity of between 5 000 and 80 00 megalitres.

Reaffirming the company’s commitment to responsible water usage and sustainability, he said PLZ had requested approval from the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) to raise dam walls and spillways of surrounding reservoirs to contribute to water security.

“It is important to note that the drought affecting dams around PLZ is a national crisis, not unique to the area, and efforts to address the water scarcity issue should be commended,” PLZ general manager said.

“The company’s actions reflect its commitment to sustainable water management and responsible usage, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to this vital resource.”

“PLZ’s initiative serves as a positive example of proactive measures that can be taken to mitigate the impact of drought and ensure water security for all.”

According to Zhu, PLZ plans to tackle water shortages by drilling boreholes in various areas of the district in wards 17, 16 and 13 this year alone.

“In the long run and over the next 10 years, PLZ will make great strides in providing clean water access to the communities of Goromonzi,” he said.

“With the goal of drilling five boreholes every year, for the next 10 years the company will establish 50 boreholes in various locations across the province hoping to reach even more communities in need and ensure sustainable access to clean water for generations to come.” – (Newsday)